Immigration Law of Montana Blog? Well every WordPress installation comes with its first post aptly titled “Hello World,” so I’ll borrow from that for my first post on the new Immigration Law of Montana, P.C. (ILM) Blog. I’ve told myself many times, I just need to sit down and start telling the world, or more likely clients and potential clients around Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming about ILM.
With all the opportunities these days to communicate, we should be using them to tell of our services, our successes and our resources to help our clients. For example, as you who are clients know, we use the LawLogix system to gather information and documents so that we can file your case. Although we send a .pdf file with our welcome email explaining how to use the system and log in, we thought it might be helpful to have some desktop videos so show how to use the system.
That will be one of our first projects. Another project that we want to tackle is what to look for in an immigration lawyer, and how to find one. So here’s to success with so called social media, that is us using it to help you the clients with ILM and us being able to help you better.
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