Sometimes illegal immigrant aliens get into trouble, get arrested, in Montana even if they live elsewhere – illegal immigrant arrested. Therefore, as part of our range of immigration services, we help aliens arrested in Montana. From a review of Google searches for terms related to this issue, it looks like people looking for information use terms like “illegal immigrant arrested” or “immigration arrest.” Consequently, to help searchers looking for relevant content, this article uses those terms in its coverage. If you know you need help, you can contact us. For more information, you can keep reading. You just want to find someone arrested by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), you can use the detainee locator.
Immigration Arrest – The Problem
Aliens arrested by ICE usually fit into one of two categories. They are aliens who entered without inspection (EWIs). Alternatively, they are aliens who entered with inspection but, overstayed the period of authorized stay approved by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). ICE along with Border Patrol, part of CBP, are active in checking aliens’ immigration status in the State of Montana. Here are some examples of ways that we have seen ICE arrest illegal aliens in Montana:
Illegal Alien in an Automobile Accident
An automobile accident will often cause illegal aliens problems. The other party may call Montana law. Based on an officer’s investigation at the scene, he or she may check the immigration status of anyone who does not appear to be a U.S. Citizen. If the suspected illegal alien cannot provide proof of lawful status, the law enforcement officer may call ICE to investigate the situation further. ICE officers will arrest illegal aliens who cannot provide evidence of status to them.
Illegal Alien Arrested For A Crime after Being Stopped For A Violation
Montana law enforcement officers stop vehicles when they observe a traffic violation. If the driver cannot speak English or lacks documentation, the law enforcement officer may suspect the driver’s immigration status. For example, perhaps an illegal alien exceeded the speed limit on a highway in Montana. During the traffic stop, the law enforcement officer may call ICE to investigate further. If ICE determined that the driver is an illegal alien, the ice officer will arrest him or her.
Illegal Alien Passing Through Montana on a Bus, Plane or Train
An illegal alien passing through Montana by bus, train or airplane sometimes runs into trouble. Aliens in transit by these methods of public transportation often take a break from the their long journey by spend time at rest stations between layovers or simply taking a break. These stops on a train line, at a bus station or at an airport are natural places for ICE officers to watch for people who appear to be illegal aliens. ICE officers ask anyone they suspect of being here illegally for evidence of status. If the illegal alien cannot provide it, the ICE officer will arrest the illegal alien.
How We Can Help Aliens Arrested In Montana
We can assist the alien and his or her family if ICE arrests him or her. First and foremost, we can provide information on the alien by requesting information from ICE, and explaining to the family what has happened to the alien and what options are available. Some aliens are eligible for bond. We have assisted aliens by negotiating bonds with ICE for aliens in ICE custody. Moreover, we have acted as a bond agent or obligor in some cases, accepting money for the bond for the alien and paying that bond to ICE to secure the alien’s release. If you need help with an illegal alien who was arrested in Montana by ICE, please contact us.